Home> Products> Accessories> Temperature Probes: K-Type > K-Type Temperature Probe Standard Inputs
K-Type Temperature Probe Standard Inputs

The UEi ATT71 is a K-type bead temperature probe designed for measuring temperatures in operational units, boilers, and more.

The ATT71 features a 3.1 ft. fiberglass coated braided wire with a standard size K-type connector for clamp/multimeters that only have standard 4mm input jacks. It is compatible with the following UEi products:

Current Products

DM515, DM525

Retired Products

DL479, DL489, DM393, UTL33T

ATT71 is backed by a 1-Year limited warranty.


Warranty 1-Year limited

K-Type Temperature Range 0˚ to 500˚F (-17.7 to 260˚C)
Optional - Replacement Accessories